
Neil Bentley

Mr. Neil Bentley

Vice President Aviation- Asia Pacific


Neil Bentley is the Vice President, Aviation, Asia Pacific and the regional Global Aviation Lead for AECOM responsible for developing and managing the aviation business in India, Greater China, South East Asia, Australia and New Zealand.

Neil has worked as a Consultant and as an Airport Owner and Operator.

Neil has extensive airport management, planning, design and construction experience accumulated over the last 35 years with 29 years dedicated fulltime to Aviation.

His international experience includes assignments at airports in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, China, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Brunei and the Philippines.

In the Philippines Neil has had extensive airport experience over the last 16 years. Projects include:
• 2004 NAIA Master Plan
• 2005 Clark Airport Master Plan and 2011 updates
• DOTC Southern Airports Project in 2005/6
• Greater Capital Region Airport Development Strategy in 2006
• Strategic Development Studies for MIAA in 2008
• Concept Plan for a new Manila Airport in 2013
• Master Plan and Design of Caticlan Airport 2012 to 2014
• Concept Plan for an expansion of T2 at NAIA in 2015
• Winning tender design for the recent Mactan Cebu Airport PPP
• Tender Design for T2 at Clark Airport..